Thursday, January 27, 2011

Limbo Land is a Gray Area

I’ve been to Limbo Land a couple of times but never as often as I have in the last month. The main culprit is that no one has officially decided if we should open the Monteverde Adventist School for next school year (school year runs from Feb. to Dec.). School is supposed to officially start on February 14 but we don’t have a Director or a Spanish teacher yet. We don’t have enough students to pay teacher salaries, and if we did, it’s difficult to get the families to pay their school bill. Nickele and I swing between wanting to shut the school down (because of NO organization) and keeping it open (so she and I can still have a job) on an hourly basis.

So what do you do when you can do nothing? What do you do when you already know things are not going to go well?

You have to stop planning things and just go with the flow.

I think these guys say it best:

Enjoy life… there’s plenty of time to be dead. ~~~ Anon

You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you. ~~~ Joseph Campbell

Remember that happiness is a way of travel—not a destination. ~~~ Roy M. Goodman

And really when it comes right down to it, Mark Twain said it best: "When we remember we all are mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained."

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