Thursday, December 16, 2010


The longer I've been in Costa Rica, the more I'm convinced that God does not call people to be missionaries to serve people. If God just wanted us to serve, most of us probably won't ever leave our own neighborhood. There are people to serve everywhere. I've decided that God calls us to be missionaries so that we might be better formed for the purpose he has for us while at the same time bettering other people's lives. My experience in Costa Rica is definitely shaping me into a better person; one better equipped to make a difference in the world.

So what are you doing? How are you been changing the place you live in for the better? If you're not, WHY not? You have been blessed - unfairly blessed. It's a beautiful thing to share what you have with others, even those who may not deserve it. You will not regret it.

So I'm throwing down the gauntlet. I'm challenging you. Are you fulfilling the life you set out for yourself? Are you really all you can be?

Think about it. It's never too late to make life better than it was yesterday.

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