Sunday, December 5, 2010


How long has it been since you sat down and thought about what you learned in elementary school?

To be honest, I can barely remember what I learned about from class but I do have distinct memories of learning SOMETHING. I remember learning how to be nice to my classmates, not to lie, and how to deal with disappointment. Most of the memories I have from elementary school are wrapped up in my mind with some kind of lesson. And most of these lessons were taught by my teachers.

I had a lot of respect for my elementary school teachers before this year but now that I've taught a little myself, there's just no comparison. Kids can be awesome but they can also be AWFUL!! How anyone could decide to spend their entire lives with these children/creatures is just incredible to me. I'm SO thankful that someone is willing to do it (it means I'm off the hook).

So just in case you've lost respect for the people in this world, remember your elementary school teachers. Whether you had bad ones or good ones they taught you something. Be grateful to them.


Field Trip to the Reserve!

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