Friday, October 3, 2008


Another day of site-seeing. Valencia is about 45 minutes away from the school and it is the 3rd largest city in Spain. Lot's of very cool things to see here. There is a neat strip of very modern architecture which includes El Palacio de Musica, the science center, and other cool buildings. The city also includes several historic buildings spread throughout the main downtown area. I couldn't tell you about them all - you'll just come have to visit yourself.

The one building worth mentioning is La Iglesia de Santo Juan de la Cruz. Beautiful on the outside and the inside. For a small fee, you can climb the 207 VERY steep steps to the top of the tower attached to the Cathedral. Beautiful view from here.

After a morning of touring, we had the afternoon for shopping and siteseeing. We had the opportunity to look at very expensive clothes, try Spanish Orchata (Different from the Orchata in the States or Mexico), and practice our map reading skills. This is not always easy when the streets curve, dead end or turn into alleys. One last note of interest - as we were walking out of the bookstore, we saw a guy with a videocamera filming. I didn't think anything of it but it turns out we were on the local news! Craziness!

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