Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dulce in so many ways

One of the people I met right away when I came to Costa Rica was a lady named Dulce. Dulce is a wonderwoman – she does everything. She works at the local public high school, works at the Adventist school teaching English, runs the local Pathfinder group (which has 50 members which are all trained in first-aid/CPR so that they can go help in a national disaster), and she does night tours at the reserve. One of the first things she did with us was to take us shopping so we could try the local fruit. Here are the results:

Mango: They are cheap and they are YUM! I could eat them everyday and be happy.

Banana: Again, cheap and plentiful. Nothing wrong with them at all.

Pejibaye: Pretty good. They kind of taste like potatoes. I imagine they’d be delish in soup.

Jacote: They weren’t my favorite but I will try them again when they are riper.

Guayava: Not my favorite.

Granadía: Weirdest fruit EVER!! I mean really, tadpole looking seeds inside and coral like shell. Odd!

Mamon Chino: SO good! Pink and spiky on the outside, white and gooey on the inside. They are marvelous and ubber fun to eat.

Life is good - and life is even better when you can take the time to just enjoy the differences in the world. Fruit seems like a good place to start.


Annie Palumbo said...

What we call Rambutans you call Mamon Chino.
Or at least they look the same. And your description sounds the same. The point it, your life looks exciting!

Rebecca said...

Mmm, looks amazing! No exotic fruits here, but we do get pretty good nectarines & peaches.

Tammi Williams said...

Loved the post and the pictures. I had a tropical drink with guava in it last night. It's pretty good in small doses mixed with pineapple, orange and banana. Makes a nice combo.