Wednesday, November 5, 2008

La Gira - Dia 2


Day 2 was the busiest of the en
tire trip. Wow! We started the day off by doing a walking tour of all the major sights in Granada.

Major si
ghts worth mentioning: Capilla Real - This was really interesting because it housed the tombs of Fernando and Isabel as well as more of their relatives. Sadly, we couldn’t take pictures. Next was the Catedral. I REALLY liked this Catedral, my favorite I’ve seen so far. Everything was white – a good color for a church I decided.

After this crazy morning we were given a tiny bit a free time to grab something to eat and then we were off to La Alhambra. The Alhambra was amazing. The gardens were beautiful and the palace was amazing. Hard to imagine how they did the detail of some of that stuff. The day ended with a walk around town – after a day like this my feet were killing me! But the pain was worth it of course!


Tammi Williams said...


Thanks; beautiful pictures again. I love them. What is the weather like now?

Love, Aunt Tammi

Tristinn said...

Weather is getting chilly!