Friday, April 1, 2011

The Robbery

Every day is full of moments that cause us to adjust or change. We are constantly tweaking our personalities and our viewpoints. But every once in a while, a moment comes that TRANSFORMS us. These moments ALTER who we are and how we view the world. Here is one of mine…

Recently, Nickele and I had to head to Nicaragua for our visas. As she and I were traveling by bus to our destination, we started talking to a friendly guy on our bus. When we got off at our stop, he offered us a ride with his family since they we were going to the same place we were. In light of the fact that his entire family was going, Nickele and I thought it would be a great alternative to another 2-3 hours of bus riding. Nickele and I spent the first hour getting to know the other three people in the car when all of a sudden I looked over at Nickele and saw that one of the other passengers had her arm around her neck with a knife. In my mind I thought to myself, “That doesn’t look good.”

And so began the process of being robbed. The two women in the car restrained Nickele and I while the two men in the car opened our backpacks and began to riffle through our stuff. Throughout this whole process Nickele and I were told to keep our eyes shut and encouraged to not talk. For those of you who know me, you can already guess that I wasn’t very quiet during the whole thing. I wasn’t concerned about my stuff or my money but I did REALLY want them to give me my passport back.

After using our debit cards to withdraw money, they drove us to a dirt road just outside the Nicaraguan capital of Managua and dumped us (They were fairly considerate criminals since they gave us about $10 so we could catch a bus and specific instructions on how to do it). Nickele and I quickly looked over our stuff and were fairly upset when we discovered Nickele didn’t have her passport anymore (I guess my begging worked because I still had all of my ID). My only thought at this point was, “GET TO THE EMBASSY.” So Nickele and I walked to the highway and hopped on a public bus heading for Managua without a clue of where we were going.


Rebecca said...

Oh my dear goodness! I am SO glad you guys are OK!! Hooray for guardian angels!

Rebecca said...

Hang on, I've just realized what day this was posted on. If it was a joke, very well done! If not, refer to my first comment. :)

Tristinn said...

Sadly not an April Fool's joke. Though it would have been kind of clever...

That Guy Girl said...

Oh my goodness! Tristinn, my heart goes out to you! I'm so grateful you're okay (: