Friday, August 27, 2010


For those of you who haven't already spent hours researching it online, Monteverde is a Forest Reserve up in the northern mountains of Costa Rica. It's a small town pretty much in the middle of no where. It is however quite lovely - lots of jungle, animals, bugs, birds and butterflies. So far the coolest thing I've seen was the toucan I saw yesterday by the side of the road. The town has one post office, a few shops and then lots of restaurants/hotels/shopping for all the tourists that come here during the year. It's definitely a good place to visit.

Even though Nickele and I have been here for only three days, it's like we've been here for forever. Everyday is full of new things to learn and to experience. The two most notable things would have to be that it rains here everyday. But when I say rain, I don't mean sprinkle. It POURS!! It's usually for just a few hours at a time but the amount of water that comes out of the sky during that time is amazing! The other fun thing is that Nickele and I had to opportunity to go to San Jose yesterday with local Pathfinder group to see a music group called MasterKey. Apparently they're pretty famous here in Costa Rica. We got back home ridiculously late but it was worth it!

We're here!!

The National Theater

Inside the National Theater

What you can do in Monteverde


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Arrival

I have been in Costa Rica for 24 hours. Who knew so much could happen in 24 hours? When Nickele and I arrived the Pastor and his wife came to pick us up. In the hour long car ride to his house, I learned (in Spanish of course) that Nickele and I are going to be engaged before we leave, we get to do music at church as soon as possible, once a church has about 80-100 members it splits to form more churches, and that the Pastor knew we were the volunteers because everyone else was wearing earrings.

Nickele and I came to Monteverde this morning. It's literally a tiny town up an hour long pot-holed road in the jungle. I'm excited!!! We are each living with a host family right next to the school. So far so good. As far as the school goes, I've learned that I will be teaching Bible, Math, and music. And of course, lots and lots of English. Nickele is helping with kindergarten.

Tonight, since Nickele and I wanted internet, we came with the English teacher to where she teaches english to the public school highschoolers. She had the kids introduce themselves in English - the kids immediately wanted us to introduce ourselves in Spanish. I've never seen kids so sad to see that we could speak Spanish. Then she had the kids give us a tour in English of the town. I've now met every store owner in town - even the mayor.

As I said, who knew so much could happen in one day?