Friday, May 8, 2009


It's rather sad how far behind I am. It's been over a month since I left with the school on our last school trip to Castilla. O well, the memories are still good even if they're a month old...

First stop: Toledo. I'm sure the first thing that pops into your mind when you hear the word Toledo is a sword. Well it's true, they have a LOT of swords there but that's not the only thing. Toledo is a city full of history and the most amazing thing about it is that it's in incredible shape after hundreds of years. It's probably even worth your time to google it.

Best Memory:
One of the best moments was when a few of us were walking up the hill to meet the rest of the group and the man behind us was pushing a stroller - chocking the entire time (I mean the ENTIRE 5 minute walk up the hill). It's difficult to describe the sound he was making but let's just say it was something between a scream of horror and chocking on a pencil. I will never forget it.

The Stairs

The View

The Swords

The Cathedral
The Violence

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