Sunday, March 22, 2009


Every year, the Community of Valencia has a crazy, insane and super fun festival called Fallas. Fallas is really all about noise and fire. This past week I spent my spring break getting to know Valencia and experiencing Fallas. Here are some important terms that you should know about Fallas (everything else you may want to know can be found on the internet):

La Mascleta: Everyday at 2:00, large fire crackers and every form of noise makers are set off. REALLY loud!!

Los Ninots: Small, wooden dolls that are judged in the pre
vious weeks and then burned the last night. Only the winner is not burned.

Las Fallas: The BIG ninots that are set up in the street.
Again, all but one are burned.

a N
it del Foc: 18th of March. Huge fireworks show - very pretty.

La Crema: The last night of Fallas. The Fallas are doused with gasoline and firecrackers and fireworks set the structures aflame. Super fun!

Churros!: The most delicious sort of dessert sprinkled in sugar and dipped in chocolate.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought we had Churros in Lincoln until I saw the picture of the Churro bakery in your photo gallery. I'll never look at our one little kind of churro the same again. (although they are good even without the chocolate. Wait, did I really say that? I'm sure they'd be better WITH chocolate!)