Sunday, February 20, 2011

The 5

Whenever I read other SM blogs and compare them to my own, I think to myself, “Wow! I sound weary and dreary.” Being overly enthusiastic has just not been my style since arriving to Costa Rica. However I've come to terms with that and here are a few of the things I still get excited about:

1. The Butterflies – Especially Morphos (blue butterflies as big as my face – Google them). They float, they flutter, what could be better?

2. The Generosity – Generosity means something different to everyone. I’m learning that real generosity is giving when you don’t want to, giving something you don’t want to give, or giving to someone who doesn’t deserve. I’ve definitely seen that kind of generosity since being here.

3. The Teaching – Most SM’s come home saying “I didn’t like the teaching, but I loved the kids.” I actually really like the teaching part. I love imparting wisdom that will one day be useful.

4. The Guayaba Cookes – Delicious

5. The Time – I can now sit at a bus stop for hours and not get bored. My concept of waiting has changed. More time = More thoughts = More change.

Here Are Some Other Things I Get Excited About



Awesome folded towels

Cute frogs in your bathroom
