6:30 Rise and Shine! (Perhaps more appropriately, Rise and Rain!)
7:20 Eat breakfast of Gallo Pinto (Beans and rice mixed together)
7:45 Arrive at school (I’m supposed to be there at 7:30 but no one has ever arrived on time EVER. So I’m trying to adapt and fit in)
8:00-8:10ish Bible class in English begins (I teach grades 2-6 = 18 students)
8:40ish Math class in English begins
9:20 Snack time for children!!
9:40 Some days I’m helping in the other classrooms, other days I’m working in the library, and
still other days I’m sitting in the office. It just depends
11:00 Another break for the children!
12:20 Lunch (More beans and rice)
1:00 English class with the other English teacher. (I continue doing odds and ends which might include helping kids finish their homework)
3:00 School is Over!
Of course, this schedule may change at any time due to any whims of the teachers. Costa Rica is a VERY relaxed place.
The kids are very cute. Some know lots of English and speak to me in English almost all the time. Others know hardly any and look at me like I’m crazy when I talk to them. I’m learning that each one is different and very unique. There are the studious students, the screamers, the ones who have yet to sit in a chair for more than 120 seconds, and the ones who like to draw pictures and daydream all day. Each one has a story to tell and if you listen and watch them, you can learn a lot.